How this Site Works

Dear Friends,

This site would be introduced to 7000+  Seafood Buyers and to all the exporters around the world. 

Let me brief you about how this site works and description of each TITLE & SIDE BAR.

OFFERS : You may go through the various offers posted by us. 

POST YOUR REQUIREMENT : Buyers may post their requirements  and exporters may go through the same and offer accordingly. Once this post would be approved by our team it would be published in this site.

POST YOUR OFFERS : Exporters may Post their Offers. Once this post would be reviewed & approved by our team it would be published in this site.

ENTER YOUR EMAIL ID & NEGOTIATE PRICES : You may leave your Email Id for us to collect Further details from you about your OFFER/REQUIREMENTS. 

SEARCH THIS BLOG "TYPE FISH NAME AND SEARCH" : You may search with product name ex : Cuttlefish, Squid, Pud etc.

LABEL : You may Click on the product name Links which would direct you to the offer. Where you can leave your COMMENTS underneath each offer.  

TOTAL PAGE VIEWS : Total no. of visitors of our site.

We have our Quality Control Inspectors appointed at various regions. Presently we have our QC set in Yemen, Oman, Bahrain, India, Senegal, Mauritania, Peru, Chile, Indonesia, Malaysia. 

After price negotiation we would send our Quality Control inspectors  at various regions to go and inspect the stock and send us detailed report and photographs of the product with date tag.

Our Aim is to Widen our Seafood Network with Excellent Results. 

Your co-operation would be highly appreciated.  

Thanking you, 

Yours sincerely,
Ms.Joyce Issac.
Director & Marketing Manager.

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